Testimonials from students
“The information was given in a really clear way and "difficult" topics were always approached sensibly, I really enjoyed the workshop as a whole.”
“Everything was presented very clearly and respectfully and this helped us focus on things that are important for us to know as students and as adults.”
“I found it really useful to kind of get a framework for responding to a survivor of sexual violence telling you about it. I’ve been through this before and was always questioning if I was doing the right thing.”
“I think the best thing about the workshop for me was the length of it and the amount of detail that was gone into - usually I find these types of workshops don’t cover everything and so are not particularly effective.”
“It gave me a new perspective on the depth of consent and how it's such a personal decision which changes for each person. I wasn't able to have talks like this in my high school and so being exposed to it ended up making me cry because there's just so much I don't understand about it.”
“I think it's really important it's compulsory because this information should be consistently available for everyone, and I've already witnessed problematic behavior at [the university].”
“[I liked] how they didn’t shy away from these difficult but important topics.”
“I enjoyed just discussing the topic, because I don’t talk often about it.”