Sexual Violence
The Centrum Seksueel Geweld is available day and night to provide help for anyone who has been sexually assaulted in the previous seven days.
24/7 Hotline: 0800-0188
Chat with a CSG counselor -
Suicide Prevention
Stichting 113 Zelfmoordpreventie is the national organization for suicide prevention.
24/7 urgent helpline: call 113
or 0800-0113
Chat with a helpline worker (24/7) -
Domestic Violence
Veilig Thuis offers support for anyone who is affected by domestic violence or child abuse.
24/7 Helpline: 0800-2000
Jellinek provides help for almost any kind of addiction. They can answer every question you have about the risks of alcohol, drugs, gaming, and gambling.
Direct Help: 088 505 1220
Survivor Guide
“Seeking-help when you’ve experienced sexual violence can be breathtakingly difficult, and even when you have a good impression of what your options are, it’s difficult to know what to expect, or what will suit your needs best. For that reason,
I have developed this guide, based on my personal experience, on how the different care trajectories look.” -
The emergency number for
the Netherlands is 112.
Non-emergency is 0900-8844 or
+31 (0)34 357-8844 (costs may apply).